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my projects/videos

ABCD code-the power of nature

Fruits and vegetables are very healthy for children.But do the children know it or undestand the importance of
eating fruits and vegetables each day? However, it’s a fact that only 1 out of 5 kids receives the needed daily
amount. In today's preferences mainly for burgers, chips and chocolate, the aim of the project is to teach children
in the kindergarten,first and second grades become familiar with a variety of fruits and vegetables.
The project was made in order to teach and convince children in a fun and accessible way to them that they
should eat more fruits and vegetables for the good of their health. Fruits and vegetables present themselves in an
interesting way which can learn about the vitamins they are rich in and what they are useful for. Finally, the
children check what they learn about fruits and vegetables through a short, fun and memorable game. After the
game,they reach the so-called mathematical-painting formula representation of never-ending health, energy,
beauty,children`s game, smiles:)) Here is the formula:
A fruit or a vegetable + on a daily basis = never-ending health and games all the time
No fruit or vegetable + on a daily basis = no health at all

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Tayra's gift for deaf friends

My project “Tayra`s gift for deaf friends” is an Interactive software with peripheral hardware for learning deaf children in Centres for Education of Hearing Impaired Children. Did you know that one out of every nine people is deaf? It can be from when they are born or arise at any time after illness or trauma. Children with hearing impairment are not different! They do not need our regret, they need our understanding. Due to that fact and because of that there are a few training materials for deaf friends, I decided to give them a gift.The site includes animated tales with sign language translations, interactive and more. interesting word games, vocabulary, use of the dactyl alphabet for writing names, puzzles, robot games, etc. for easier and quicker assimilation of sign language.I sincerely hope to be able to help.

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